Age Groups, Times, & Pricing
1's & 2's
Have completed MMO at Shine Academy or will be between 1-2 years old on June 1, 2025
Monday- Friday
per week
Max Group Size: 10
Rising 3's
Have completed Preschool 2's at Shine Academy or will turn 3 years old on June 1, 2025
Max Group Size: 12
Monday- Friday
per week
Max Group Size: 12
Monday- Friday
per week
Have completed Preschool 3's or will be 4 by 9/01/2025
Rising PK
Rising PreK
Max Group Size: 12
Monday- Friday
per week
Have completed PreK or will be 5 by 9/01/2025
Rising K
Rising TK/K
Max Group Size: 12
Monday- Friday
per week
1st - 4th
Monday- Friday
per week
Camp Lineup
Camp Policies & Information
After registration, please be sure to download the Brightwheel app from the App store and log in with the username and password that you created. Please be sure to include complete and accurate information regarding birthdate, allergies, parent contact information, and approved pick up information. Anyone who picks up your child MUST be listed as an approved pick up in Brightwheel. Brightwheel is our primary form of communication between teachers, administrators and parents. Parents are responsible for checking the app and/or keeping notifications on to ensure they receive important camp information and updates.
A $75 nonrefundable deposit per camp will be invoiced to you withing 5 business days of submitting your online registration form and is required to be paid within 3 days of receipt to secure your child's spot. The remaining balance for each week of camp must be paid at least 30 days prior to the first day of the camp. Failure to pay the camp balance in full by the due date will result in the loss of the camp reservation and will forfeit the deposit. Deposit may be transferred to another week of camp provided space is available.
Refunds will not be given; however, camps may be transferred to another name allowing the original purchaser to sell the camp reservation independently. If transferred, the balance of the camp is still due by the original due date. The original purchaser must also send an email to BaileyEdwards@ShineAcademyNC.com to notify the camp of the change and to provide the name and contact information of the new purchaser and camper.
No refunds or credits for no shows or missed days/weeks of camp.
Payments may be made through Brightwheel using ACH, Credit, or Debit. Payments may also be made by cash or check made out to Shine Academy.
Drop Off & Pick up
Drop off begins at 8:00 am through 9:00 am. If you plan to drop your child off past 9:00 am, please notify their teacher through Brightwheel. Parents should escort their child to their classroom each day. Please pick your child up from their classroom during their designated pick-up window and no later than their scheduled pick-up time. Pick up windows are from 11:45-12:00 & 2:45-3:00. You may pick your child up early as needed from camp or field trip location. Please notify your child's teacher if you plan to pick them up early. If you anticipate arriving late for pick-up, please contact us ASAP. A 10-minute grace period will be granted after which, a $1 per minute late fee will be assessed. There will be no extended day option this summer. All campers must be picked up by 3:00 PM.
Any person picking up your child MUST be listed as an approved pick up in Brightwheel. You may update your approved pick-up list at any time through the Brightwheel app.
Sick Policy
Children should be well enough to comfortably and actively participate in all scheduled activities. Children may not attend camp if they
have a temperature of 100.4 or higher
have vomited or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours
have a chronic cough that impacts their ability to participate
have any unidentified rash
have lice or lice nits
are diagnosed with any condition that may be contagious to others such as COVID, RSV, hand, foot, & mouth disease, etc.
Children may return to camp when they are symptom free without medication for 24 hours or when cleared to return by a medical professional.
No refunds or credits will be issued due to absences related to illness
Medication Policy
If your child requires a rescue medication such as an inhaler, Epipen, or Benedryl, please let us know. We will keep the medication onsite and administer it if needed. Please keep the medication in its original packaging with dosage instructions and be sure to label it with your child's name. We will not administer other medications beyond those needed for emergency situations.
Please apply sunscreen, bug spray, etc. at home before your child arrives at camp. In the event that your child requires additional applications of these types of products, please notify our staff to arrange an appropriate plan.​
Behavior Policy
In an effort to create a safe environment and positive experience for all campers, we require that all children behave in a safe an appropriate manner. Clear expectations and boundaries will be set, and our teachers and staff will support each child in making safe and appropriate choices. A child will be given a verbal warning along with guidance and redirection if they display any of the following behaviors:
vulgar or otherwise inappropriate language
any action that causes harm to themselves or others such as hitting, kicking, biting, etc.
leaving the classroom or designated area without permission from a teacher
theft or destruction of property
any other behavior that poses a threat of physical or emotional harm to others
If the undesired behaviors continue after the child is given a verbal warning, the child's parent or guardian will be notified. If the behavior still continues, the child will be sent home for the remainder of the day. If a child is sent home more than once, they may be asked not to return for the remainder of the camp week.
In the event that a child's behavior poses serious safety concerns, they may be immediately sent home and asked not to return. No refunds or credits will be given for any amount of time missed due to behavior related concerns.
What to Bring
1-2 year olds:
Diapers, wipes, diaper cream if needed
Snack & Lunch each day
Water bottle labeled with child's name
1-2 complete changes of clothes
Preschool 3's, PreK & Kindergarten
Water bottle labeled with child's name
1-2 complete changes of clothes
Snack & Lunch each day
1st- 4th Grade Campers:
Water bottle labeled with child's name
1 change of clothes
Snack & Lunch each day
What NOT to Bring
Please do not send toys or electronics from home unless specifically asked to by your child's teacher. Shine is not responsible for any personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged.
Medication, sunscreen, or bug spray- If your child needs any of these things during their day at camp, please discuss it with their teacher.
Soda, or energy drinks. Juice, milk, and sports drinks are welcome.
What to Wear
Comfortable, weather appropriate clothing that can get dirty
Comfortable shoes. Flip flops, crocs, etc. may be worn.
Camp t-shirt for field trip days
Transportation & Field Trips
If your child is enrolled in our school age camps (rising PreK- rising 4th grade) their class will take a weekly field trip. Field trip location and itinerary will be provided to you. We will use our Shine bus to transport children. Our bus is equipped with seat belts and we also provide 5 point harness car seats for any child who requires one. If you prefer that your child not ride our bus, you may provide alternate transportation for your child. Parents and family are welcome to attend field trips but will be responsible for any fees required by the field trip location to attend/ participate. If your child's class is scheduled to take a field trip, your child must accompany their class on the trip if they attend camp on the field trip day. No refunds will be given for missed field trips do to absence. All planned field trip locations are subject to change or be cancelled based on availability and weather conditions
Permission Slip and Liability Waiver
Prior to you child's first day of camp, you will be required to complete and submit a permission slip and liability waiver. This document will be shared with you through Brightwheel closer to the start of the summer.